Hummingbird wants that flower…

Some days everything, including my camera, just clicks.

Yesterday was one of those days.

broadtailed hummingbird 1

This female Broad-tailed Hummingbird tries to get nectar from American vetch.


broadtailed hummingbird 6

But she can’t quite get her beak into the drooping flowers.

broadtailed hummingbird 5

Animals don’t usually sit still and work this hard to get something. It just makes them too much of a target.

broadtailed hummingbird 4

But the vetch is in a really cluttered area. She can’t get the nectar by hovering in front of it.

broadtailed hummingbird 3

The vetch must be loaded with nectar to make it worth her while to work on it for this long.

broadtailed hummingbird 7

But finally, she is rewarded, and gets to enjoy the nectar.

May your weekend be full of rewarding projects.

3 responses to “Hummingbird wants that flower…”

  1. ACountryBoy Avatar

    wonderful photos.


  2. Such patience…on both the hummer’s and your part. 😊


  3. Hummingbird season!


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